Thanks, I am. And if you knew anything about Karen Pence you'd understand that she is as well. Baby murdering skūm must be punished.
Really? I get to prove you wrong twice in one thread? What a day! You must not be aware, procreation=sėx
Back on topic.. :? I'm not sure why high stats do hate on low stats, but I've met good people from both spectrums. At the end of the day, it's just a game.
Psyque is the goddess of the spiritual/emotional non sexual love. And about the original post and Karen's answer... I don't feel it that way. We talk about a lot of out of game stuff in my club, for example. And it's not low stats what we dislike, we dislike thristies, low or high stats. I've known many cool low stats/new players, but also some annoying noobs. A low stats player who's been playing for a while and it's in a rp club plus gives the feeling to play this purely for hooking up or socialize purposes gives me a bad impression, though.
I hate on low stats like bigpeenrex6969 but, I'm a low stat too so I can't say anything. Also, selling virtual popcorn for a chibi each. Come get your entertainment snacks!
Pretty much the same. I don't hate them tho i just tend to avoid ppl like that because we're clearly not looking for the same stuff
I think that high stats players don't care to teach like they used to, so what they do with their useless time is pick on low stats players.
How about you stop pûssy footing around and actually name the people you are on about. I thought you was the one who didn’t hold back and said whatever they like ??? What a shame