They sell paternity tests at the drug store for like $40, you don't even have to go on Maury anymore!
I guess last week, it would have been a-hole customers of mine not wearing a mask. But I quit my crappy job, so now my problem is my tonsils. They need to come out, they're swollen, I've had a sore throat since April, and if you've never had a tonsil stone, well don't Google it, they're nasty. The thing is the whole medical system isn't necessarily overwhelmed in my area, but it's definitely lagging on anything not Covid-19 related. It's taken me nearly 6 months to get a referral to an otolaryngologist, so I hope I can get these buggers out before the end of the year when my insurance out of pocket and deductible reset.
Oh no i enjoy working. I actually changed my profession yet again back in March when all this stupidity began, so that i wouldnt have to struggle from losing job and shit. You gotta keep adapting. And i am saving lol. Holding your money in bitcoin/gold is saving. You hold government issued currency you become poorer, at an accelerating rate with all the money being printed globally