What would you do if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Cry o.o then try to have se.x with myself

    What would you do if Michael Myers wanted you dead?
  2. Then I'll let him kill me bc I don't have anything to live for #yolo

    what would you do if your crush asked you out?
  3. Wake up from my dream 

    What would you do if someone chopped off your arm 
  4. I'll make my chopped off arm into a burger and eat it

    what would you if there was no internet for a month
  5. Go explore the outside world!

    What would do if you were a mod on pimd? 
  6. I'd CJS it.

    What would you do if you could be Jopo for a day
  7. Take a crap, jopo style

    Wwud if dbz?
  8. UMM id make a potato army and wage wars on bananas

    What would you do if
    If someone farts on your face and slaps you while belly dancing?
  9. I would go into autism overdrive and flail my arms around in glorious ecstacy while making hawk noises before I hit this somebody with a bowl full of spaghetti and meatballs.

    What would you do if you were engaged to Morgan freeman.
  10. Simply ask him why does he engaged with me.

    What do you do if you were an angel in hell?
  11. Uhm we are all angels in here :lol:

    What would you do if someone sneezed at you while you were eating?