What would you do if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Call in a nuke.

    What wpuld happen if I'd just shot the ring into Mount Doom with my awesome elfy powers?
  2. Save the love of my life! My husband makes all the money 

    What would u do if you found out u had one day to live and a million dollars?
  3. I would save my aunt family first

    What would you do if you had bad poop problems on a date with the hottest person ever
  4. Probably share the cash for causes because let's be honnest, who got time to do stuff uder 24 hours? I'll probably keep few K's to make a huge goodbye party.

    What would you do if proffessor OAK from pokemon offers you a free pokemon in REAL LIFE, which pokemon you pick?

  5. Ask for pikachu

    What would you do if your foot got ran over
  6. Limp
    What would you do if you woke up naked next to Oprah?
  7. Kill myself.

    What would you do if you could either have unlimited amounts of money or be completely happy but broke 
  8. I'd probably cry and swear like a sailor.

    What would you do if time stopped for 24 hours and you were the only one still moving?
  9. What would you do if....

    Your son was at home
    Crying all alone on the bedroom floor
    Cuz he's hungry
    And the only way to feed him is to
    Sleep with a man for a little bit of money
    And his daddy's gone
    Somewhere smoking rock now
    In and out of lockdown
    I ain't got a job now...

    So for you this just a good time
    But for me this is what I call life!
  10. [qwouls"Arrowette"]What would you do if....

    Your son was at home
    Crying all alone on the bedroom floor
    Cuz he's hungry
    And the only way to feed him is to
    Sleep with a man for a little bit of money
    And his daddy's gone
    Somewhere smoking rock now
    In and out of lockdown
    I ain't got a job now...

    So for you this just a good time
    But for me this is what I call life![/quote]

    I would sleep with him for the money

    What would you do if i stole your bacon
  11. I would sleep with him for the money

    What would you do if i stole your bacon[/quote]
    I'd beat that ass tho.

    What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse and the only way to get to others was to go outside exposing yourself?
  12. I would slap you with a glove and take it back... That's my bacon <.<

    What would you do if you had to choose between sex or sleep forbthebrest of your life?
  13. Don't be fighting over bacon ya goofs, I give it out -Free bacon for sale-
  14. You sir must be a holy man... Free bacon?!
  15. Aaaaanyways…

    What would you do if all the food you had was rottwn candy and fresh brussels sprouts? What would you eat?
  16. I'd rather die eating rotten candy tbh.

    What would you do if you could poo skittles would you eat them? 
  17. You forgot an "r"
  18. I take it back, you edited it.

  19. I believe it was a lowercase "r"