What Would You Do If A Zombie Apocalypse Happens? 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DDD_AccidentallyMe-, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Hannah. 
  2. Nick  Chris 
  3.  Hannah likes boobies
  4. Boobies. 
  5. Hannah! The human race would end if it was just us three still alive. 
  6.  Ikr what would we do all day?
  7. Too bad 
  8. Play Go Fish. 
  9. You wouldn't be saying that if you saw me in a , Hannah. 
  10. Two words. Blackmail photos 
  11. It wouldn't matter if we were the last 3 alive.  You going to give it to the zombies or something? 
  12. That'd work  we could enlarge a photo and it'd prolly keep the zombies far away
  13. But I'm sexy in a 
  14. The running zombies screaming "my undead eyes, it burns!" Would say otherwise 
  15.  I knew I was ugly. 
  16.  Hannah don't be mean