What Would You Do If A Zombie Apocalypse Happens? 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DDD_AccidentallyMe-, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. i would get steel plates and a welding machine an build a house in insulate it with 2 ft of insulating with steel bars for windows n get solar panels n batterys for electric to help warm water
  2. Re: What Would You Do Ilf A Zombie Apocalypse Happens? 

    Also get machetes n swords n get ammo weapons n food. To last awhile
  3. O.O way to big, I resized and errything
  4. I'll lock myself in a room and play black ops. Then no ones onlines T_T i threw the tv at a zombie to experiment on him. Disect diesct DISECT!!! Then i found their weakness or find a cure. I destroy all zombies and then eat a bowl of brain food.....then i wake up from that dream and go to a therapist( i think i spelled that wrong.)
  5. I'd collect a lot of arms and banjos for the next scavenger hunt.
  6. Can I ride on that cruise ship? 
  7. I HAVE SWORDS and shit just get some plate armour to zombie don't like metal I've also got equipment to maintain swords and my bow also to live in forests/woods
  8. Go to my neighbors house!(he has a bunker) lol
  9. My survival plan is based on going to an island, wanna join incase I'm screwed if they can swim. 
  10. Actually this is really funny because me and my friend are writing a movie about a zombie apocalypse haha
  11. I'd scream then I'd be like Clemintine on The Walking Dead PC game series.
  12. Hide underground like they did on that movie called "Blast from the Past"
  13. I've never been so true, but if my heart were still beating it would beat for you. I want to steal your heart and eat your brains 
  14. I'd stand there and laugh at my friends who claim they'd be fierce and fearless in an apocalypse be brought to their knees by a little spider or a snake. (I know that's a meme, but I've talked about this w/ friends and then saw a 6'2 dude start screaming cause he saw a spider )
  15. Get a chainsaw, a gun, a baseball bat or 5 xD, a rake so I can take the plastic part off and use the wooden part or 5 xD, a paintball gun, and a bee-bee gun! 
  16. Make heads roll with swords and stuff cuz they never run out of ammo
  17. Hahahahahaha Vindex.

    I'd hit that gun shop then go to a island ^_^