What is your favorite COLOR?

Discussion in 'Activities' started by DorasHeart, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. I really enjoy muted colors or pastel, but I'd settle with gray ANYTHING because it's kind of both (if you want to consider gray the pastel version of black, lmao).
  2. Burganlee-Red because it has a purple and looking color and it's just beautiful
  3. Mint green cuz.... I dunno it’s jus cute ??‍♀️
  4. I love yellow, coz im a kind of negative person. But everytime i saw yellow colored things or even food, it enlightens and reminds me that life is beautiful. Very refreshing 
    Khalid likes this.
  5. White n gold is my fav.both r beautiful,royal,peacefulness & angelic!
  6. My favorite color is black
  7. Purple/violet
    The color for elegancy
  8. Black=Mystery
  9. Light baby blue
  10. Green because it reminds me that anything is possible
  11. Black
    Offthewall likes this.
  12. Blue

    That’s it.
    AniyaPapaya likes this.
  13. Grey
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Bloody