What is your favorite COLOR?

Discussion in 'Activities' started by DorasHeart, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. What is your favorite Color? Why?
    Yellow, because In the Philippines It is the reflection of-freedom, the colored Yellow symbolizes when President Cory Aquino proclaimed Philippines become a free & democratic country. Yellow also, is the color of the Amnesty International because I'm a International Member,Its also promote humanitarian rights for all the nations.
  2. Maroon...not too red not too dark xD
  4. Red, because it gave the bravery feel
  5. Purple, the color of royalty and leadership
    lovespurple likes this.
  6. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue and Purple(in that order) because it resembles my family community aka LGBT community
    Sirrracha likes this.
  7. Aqua because it symbolizes water it is it's true meaning
  8. pink and black
  9. Sunset pink & Baby blue
  10. Blue black or aqua
  11. fav color not colors
  12. Orange like the sunset
  13. Silver, blue, and purple
  14. Aqua caz it's a calm color
  15. Green cause I do ?
  16. Black, because it defines my world.
  17. Crimson Red - Cause it so pretty & reminds me of blood. ?
    Chillex likes this.