What is Your Dream Job?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Not everyone is well equipped to run a business. It's a big job. Even more so when you go multimillion nationwide. Safety regs, workers, insurance for workers, gradually expanding, dealing with low money income, cuts, yearly estimates, trade and much more 
  2. Rose, how about any paths or directions you might head down, or are you just looking for what fits when it's time?

    You are an actress, Oiseaux?
  3. I'll see what is right for me over time. I'm happy where I'm at right now. ?
  4. Thanks. I hope they come to life. I would start developing prototypes right now if I could but lack of facilities and time with work stops me  I also need insane amounts of money to prototype things and possibly get a partnership.
  5. Well at 17yrs I was in Fuerzas Basicas (like, recruits) for the Mexican soccer team Chivas. From there, I woulda gone to the reserve, then subs, and then starting 11. Obviously throughout the years if I was good enough. Buy I busted my knees and recently my ankles lol. So it died and I left.

    Now I'm doing pre-requisites to start Auto Mech-Tech in August next year.

  6. ?You were playing professional soccer? Damn dude. Did your knees give out after one another? I see that becoming more common. The other knee compensates and becomes injured.

    Hopefully you have plenty of success at your next goal. I would brag about the soccer skills to everyone
  7. Virtual reality in either sony or Microsoft
    Next big thing.
  8. Procrastinator, are you going to be like the people who worked on the kinect, or the people who wear the mobility dots so the movements are added into the games?
  9. The people who put a helmet on their head and feel like their in the game.
  10. That would be a sweet career Getting paid to play all the new games while working to make them better.
  11. Exactly 
    Very competitive though so unlikely to happen 
  12. biochemist ?
  13. My dream job is to Sit on my ass and do nothing and play pimd and get payed for it. 
  14. You can get played to test games.. Closet to it, pay is bad though 
  16. Testing games is the worst job ever. Everything thinks it would be so great and etc. but it's actually horrible
  17. it would be the reviewing afterwards which wouldn't be so great. or going in every possible corner just to check for glitches 
  18. You don't just say "Oh their is a glitch here"... You test out the glitch about a million different ways