What is Your Dream Job?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. That sounds like it could be really fun it that you save people from radiation, but also stressful. Has anyone gotten overexposed??
  2. My dream job would be a mechanical designer. I am an engineer at the moment
  3. I want to have the job of the person who designs our avatars and all other game art it seems fun , if not just game art and design in general, animation wouldn't hurt either?
  4. Megan, if a huge riot comes at me, I'm throwing my shield and  away

    It would be satisfying knowing you do save people's lives and stop issues.
  5. Happens more often than I'd like , Google Norfolk Naval Shipyard and you'll see what happens when an hp doesn't do their job 
  6. Mechanical Designer and a strong background in engineering? You must be a math genius You will have the big??

    My friend's dad is an engineer for the city power plant and their house is the size of a freaking stadium 
  7. My background is pretty decent. Im working with locomotives at the moment. Bro. I actually hate maths but yeah, It is a must.
  8. Yeah jobs can pay up to 750k plus a year, mike.
  9. So you must be super creative MockingJay. It would be neat to see personal designs in the game. Maybe you will end up making the designs for Pimd or a similar type of an app
  10.  Sin, I'm searching for it. So many PDF links are there. I think ill have to read through them.

    Wow!750K a year. No wonder those guys have the biggest houses.
  11. Good luck, most of the online stuff desks with medical use radio isotopes. I deal with naval nuclear power stuff.
  12. That's right up the ladder though, ie chief engineer sorta things

    Cnc jobs pay about 32k
    Civil is Round 50-200

    Basically the bigger scale and the bigger the safety risk/ regulation the higher the pay

    Time=money, one hour is quite a bit of money in the trade

    But yeah. I would love to become a mechanical designer, I would love my ideas to become real 
  13. A big business owner making big bucks, that isn't as hard as people make it out to be.
  14. ? Sin I think you and your job are too smart for me. I read one of the PDFs and was literally like  Keep up your great job and keep everyone safe.
  15. I don't really have. Dream job, but I know I want to get as far as life as I possibly can. 

    Life is an adventure, so live it up!
  16.  I bet your ideas definitely become real. You seem like you love it, so it will happen.
  17.  Marcel, do you want to start your own company or take over one of them? I could see it being fun, but so many decisions at the top?
  18. Actress. Oh wait already doing it 