What is the reason for so many ugly Avis from June to Sept?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -Nera-, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. 👁👄👁 Some Avis were good, but this low level of avi & furni design is not what I’m used to from ATA.

    The months and years prior to June 2020 had such amazing Avis. Why is there such a drop in the quality of avi & furni design recently?
  2. I couldn’t agree more. These last hunts avis were so bad.

    How does it make any sense that 2018 Avis are prettier than 2020 ones ? Where’s the progress ?

    I get that 2020 is a bad year but still 😂
  4. bruuuuh the female Avis were bad enough. I can’t even look at some of the male Avis 😂 it hurts my soul
  5. Maybe the majority of good artists at ATA caught COVID? 🤔
  6. Seems like the didn’t get paid enough or kinda got caught with stress. But still they have to pull out emotions in the avis cuz this chef hunt avis looks like ppl from 2 generations back. 💀 I’m disappointed very much
  7. That would explain a lot. If that’s not the case maybe they should think or hiring new REAL artists? Just throwing ideas here. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. 😂😂😂 there were plenty of hotties 2 generations back. ATA just went with the ugliest possible forms
  9. [​IMG]
    photo cred- Diane Arbus

    Do you think good art should be beautiful?

    I like the avatars. Good stats. Bit ugly. Not grotesque/weird/uncanny enough.

    More diversity.

    This is what real diversity looks like
    Also Diane Arbus! What can't she do?!
  10. yes, I do
  11. [​IMG]

    Artists have been getting better. More like Picasso plox
    _Pristine_ likes this.
  12. Kefo man, I love you but I’m not gonna deeply analyse the art worthiness in pimd hunt Avis. I’m simpleton who wants pretty avi; it’s one of the main reasons I play this game.

    If diversity is a priority to the game then does it not matter that some people prefer beauty and perfectionism? There is a lack of options for such preferences in the recent Avis.

    I’ve actually complained about the diversity of Avis last month because asian Avis were more rare and stereotypical looking compared to all the incredibly exotic white & black Avis. There appears to be improvement recently but still not comparable yet.
  13. True. I guess it could work to flip it on its head and just see these 'uglier avatars' as diversity.

    Giving back to human imperfection rather than the ideal.

    I'm sure whatever is going on in their art department, will pass.
  14. I think art is very subjective though.

    Additionally, as time goes on it is a bit of a struggle to create unique avis. So I think that’s something to consider when criticizing the artists.

    Not that I don’t agree, since I’m not big on avis period. But I think it’s a bit harsh to say they’ve all been bad 🥴
    Alollofern, 3, Alicia and 3 others like this.
  15. I kind of like the art style of the avatars from 4-5 years ago. I know they have changed the style significantly.

    Anyone else feel like there are way too many avis now? That must require a lot of effort. Instead of spending time on creating too many avis(most of which are never used by anyone), they could perhaps take time to create less but likable avis.
  16. I like that idea more honestly. I think more thoughtful avis could easily be produced if there was less to give out in some sense.
  17. There are avis that I super love from these past few months although I’ve noticed that they keep changing their art style for hunts and avis.

    Like during the Date Night hunt and our hunt rn, the art is very different from what they usually use. Not a fan of the art style from the Date Night hunt and the current hunt, they aren’t as nice as the usual art style they use imo.
    Seiya likes this.
  18. I’d like to see all of you draw a good quality avatar and then see if you still want to complain about it.
  19. I mean, we're not being paid to draw avatars.
    Though I get where you're coming from. The lower tier avatars are free content - most players can get them without trying so long as they are a decent amount active.
    I agree with @_Pristine_
    If you have to create and push out constant content, eventually the quality will decrease. Ideas and originality run dry.
    There could also be many reasons behind the scenes for changes in quality, too.
    Here's hoping for some cuter avatars in the future.
  20. The main problem is not that the avas aren’t unique enough. It’s that the quality of the drawing looks so bad compared to old Avis.

    The argument that you can’t call out people for underperforming in their job is super low. If you lost $1000 dollars because your bank failed to make proper transactions, would you be offering to do their job right before you complain?

    If this game is completely free to play and all the content are given to us for free, then I would not complain. But so many players buy EC & subscriptions (which are far from cheap) that it’s not fair to the community as a whole to push out such low grade content.

    ATA has done much better in the past and they can do it again.