What is the purpose of this game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by solo143, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. Well, it's a game with no end goal, no story, all you do is level up and collect cosmetics and aesthetics that you can...look at. As a bonus you can also get an ego boost and be proud that you have more "things" than others. It's a game that promotes vanity, competition and yes, a time waste. For those who have time it's a place to meet new people. I don't have time to hit enough parties, so I just can't imagine how to maintain connections and friendships on here, plus as European I'm on the same server as all the Asian player base and we have extremely different cultures and lifestyle, not many things in common to connect and actually become friends. Besides all that I do like this game, I like the grind in all the games that I play, leveling up, looting, collecting achievements, so it's pretty similar. Oh, and I have a growing collection of badges on Steam, so again, it's really the same as collecting cute items on here. PIMD is not for everyone, really. I don't engage in pvp or online relationships so at least I avoid the drama, but that you can get here too, if you fancy some...
    solo143, MaCherie, HaBaek and 2 others like this.
  2. I don't rly make friends on here anymore, but that is such an odd thing to say. There are lots of aussies and Europeans here for one, and also...you think ppl from different cultures can't be friends? Like wut
  3. Odd or not, it's my personal experience and opinion, no one told you to apply it to yourself. I have very few things in common with most asian players I meet here, very different outlook on life, relationships, religious values, lifestyle, hobbies, education (even when we study the exact same major), everything. I do have several asian friends outside of this game, but then again, they are a very specific minority of people in their communities.
    MaCherie likes this.
  4. Ick
  5. I also like to have friends with similar values and it's become oddly specific on this game.

    I only rlly link up with people who are also passionate about the game, curious and geeky enough about it to talk about it with me, and so on.

    That is completely different company from what I sought when I first started out but I have friends offline for other things. On here, all I wanna talk about is knowledge and history.
    Lite and _Kosha_ like this.
  6. Do you have issues or what is your problem? Also, I never said that people that come from different cultures cannot be friends, I said I cannot be friends with most people from some specific cultures, because of the major differences in lifestyle and the way we view things. I don't understand why my personal experience and opinion bugs you. Or are you one of those snowflakes who are trying to see stuff that isn't there and get offended over it? If so then get help and gl.
    Kefo likes this.
  7. Ick
  8. Ick
  9. It doesn't have to be complex at all. Doesn't matter what pimd is. At the end of the day. It's a game.
    A game is meant to be enjoyed. That's all.

    Long ago two people grabbed a set of dice, started rolling it, started betting, it became a game, they enjoyed it, eventually they outgrew it so they moved on.

    Two boys picked up a ball, they started kicking it, they started throwing it, who could throw it the farthest? Who could kick it the highest? Didn't matter. It was a game they created and bonded over, eventually it stopped being fun, they outgrew it and moved on, from time to time they'll meet up to play a bit, but it'll never have that same charm it did when they started playing it.

    Same shít with pimd, you got the app. You played it as much as you could as long as you enjoyed it. Eventually it'll get boring, 2 years, 1yr, 10 yrs, 50 years, who knows but you'll stop enjoying it. Its time to move on, buddy. That's all you.

    You play a game as long as you enjoy 😉 that's why it's a game. And that's what it is.

    Just enjoy the ride brah, when it stops being fun for you, move on, come back from time to time if you can, but ultimately it if it ain't fun, best to leave lol.
    MayaTheHopeful and GoddessHailey like this.
  10. First games we would have played were play fighting ^
    We see it not only in other primates but other species that share less genetic code with us.
    Dogs and lions are a more obvious example.

    Dice didn't precede games.
    Probably had games before we were primates.
  11. I feel like... The game has no "actual" one purpose. But many... and thoes who play... find there own reasons for playing... some, to gain stats, to gain idems, and even to socialize. (Tho i wouldn't make friends easy here, just to be safe... take your time with people if you wanna make friends) so... seeing that so many people play this for different reasons... maybe... people have to find there own purpose. 😊
  12. People love using the word time and putting waste next to it.

    Time can not be wasted. Time is a concept doctored by human mindsets, to cater to the way we live our so called mortal lifespan.

    If you could live forever, would this game still be just a “waste of time”?
    A waste of time like reading books or watching television? Shopping or spending time with family?

    What makes any of those different from playing a phone game?
    “But hanging out with family is good or important/Reading books is good for you 🤓”
    Is that true? Or were you told that by society. In the grand scheme of things, we all die. No one thing is more important than another.

    We give meaning and purpose to things that serve none. That is human neurosis and nature. That is what it means to be human.

    I think anything that you enjoy, is not a waste of time. I enjoy this game.

    tldr; time can’t be wasted since it doesn’t exist, just enjoy what you enjoy.

    p.s. yes I’ve done a lot of psychedelics
    p.s.s im just a nerd with a love for the pondering of nontangible aspects of human creation
    p.s.s.s. time is just a measure of light, and light is just a measure of heat. fun fact.
    _Kosha_ and sallyhannah like this.
  13. What is the purpose of any game occupy your mind
  14. Psychedelics save the lives of the lost and the broken 🤘🏼
    Lite likes this.
  15. The game ain't that deep
    Lite and Prinzjoker like this.
  16. Noob.

    In short the game is for entertainment only. You xan do anything like real world lol. Just use yo brain.
  17. Its just a virtual world. Do whatever you wana do . In real world if you do crime police will catch ypu & court will punish and here mods will silence you &debs gonna ban. Thats all.

    Enjoy nub
  18. Yup.
    I’ve known grown men with children my age who try marijuana, a minor psychoactive substance, and end up healing years of emotional trauma and releasing pounds of weight off their shoulder.
    4ACO-DMT had me silently weeping for 2 hours as I relived my entire life through closed eyes, and opened them infinitely grateful to be alive and born as me.
    Nothing could replace the experience of realizing you are alive, whole, and well. Along with the fact that anything you’d like to do and achieve, is just a stones throw away. The power of language and speech is all it takes.
  19. Why you gotta lie to these poor unfortunate souls, and trying to feed into their pimd addiction.
    Some things are in fact more important than others, I don't even know what you were high off when you said that.
    Ya enjoy the game yall but don't over indulge like those dudes that play 10 hrs a days,
    Life is all about accumulation.
    Nevermind the concept of time.
    If you eat hamburgers three times a day for ten years that will accumulate, ten years later heart disease.
    If you play pimd 10 hrs a day, five years that's an accumulation of wasted opportunity.
    Shiiiet we find typically books and family more important because those things are known to be more fulfilling than a game such as pimd.
    If anyone finds this game more fulfilling then spending time with their family, I don't even know what to say. Unless yo family is toxic or mutants, or trump supporters you get a pass.
    Smh, shame on you for not letting these people reach their max potential.
    Enjoy yall, but not too much.
    Nevermind the concept of time.
    Think about ramifications,
    The accumulation.
    Respect women 2021
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  20. In the grand scheme of things, nothing matters.
    Everyone lives and dies.
    There is no right or wrong once you realize everything that exists is simply resonance & entropy.
    And I was not high off anything. I was simply speaking from a place that wasn’t according to normal societal standards.
    Sure, if you want to be an upstanding “successful” citizen, then by all means, get off the game. Chase a fantastic career, a nice car, whatever else makes one happy.