What Is Love?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TOOL, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Thought this needed a bump after reading wc
  2. Yeshhhhhhhh!
  3. It's just a emotion, that's all.
  4. found love yet?
  5. Love is when the boy and the girl on TV kiss and everyone in class close their eyes. It's icky and soppy. The girls like it. But they have girl germs
  6. love is like a rosary. full of mistery 
  7. :lol:
  8. still seeking an answer ?
  9. Who needs an arm when an arm can be broken?
  10. Real Madrid is love
    Cristiano ronaldo is love
    Kate Upton is love
    Jenifer Lawrence too.
    Melons r love :cool:
  12. Real question is
    What is weirdo
    Why u r weirdo op
  13. idek ?
  14. coz he asks weird questions