I was banned for a week 4 days ago and another 7 non sequential days before that. 24hrs is not a problem
A romantic notion only ever experienced by those who believe it exists. You ask any of them if it's real they'll say yes. They've made movies about non-believers being turned, but that only ever happens for one reason. The image of love is comforting, supposedly a human thing. If love is strong, you surely have a heart. lovelessness is shamed in our society. Love is valued highly. So highly in fact, it is now the only condition people feel the need to fill in order to get married. I always believed that people got married to raise kids. The married couples around me and all my friends as a child were like that. However as I grew older I saw married couples without children. And this to me was very strange. "Why would they be married, if not to raise a child?" 2 people in love was the answer. I asked what love was. Nobody could tell me. But it didn't hold too many of those couples together. As birth rates decrease, divorce rates increase. It just makes sense. Perhaps love is real. I mean I felt intense affection for a girl when I was 4 but kids can't feel love. I've had crushes, the girls have almost always been pretty, got good grades, been popular or a mixture. It makes sense that these things should attract people. But what about those who don't get the looks, smarts or popularity? The mediocre bunch. We all know love. We all have 1 soul mate. Even the ugly girl who is stupid and just annoying. She has love somewhere. This person who will be intensely attracted to her despite her failings and mediocrity. Love is also a thing of faith. A comforter. The person with only repulsive features has faith in the notion of love because it is a comforter
To convince the person that love isn't real you're gonna have to try very hard. It is in their interest to believe in it. And if you do convince them it will hurt a lot. People also, when they find a partner assume that the ither person wants to hear that it's love. You say it's not love, they'll be insulted. It's a joke, but it's like a contract today that if you stop saying "I love you" to someone that you stop liking, respecting and having affection for that person. But tbh that love is always undefined. I love you I love you It gets boring and it never had much meaning. It makes that person feel special, like they've found their one in a million. But not really. If you both identified what you wanted from a relationship it wouldn't be love and love, because that's unrealistic. What do you really want?
When Bae spreads and unlocks the gates, and you smile because that feeling is better then the gates of heaven opening.