What do you want ata to give you for christmas

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Luis, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. 100T, 100T dns, and 100T ecs!!! I'm kinda out of my mind today!
  2. I'd like the ability too farm absolutely any stat player on the game.
  3. 10t and free Avis would be nice
  4. the greed is real
  5. Enigma's love :)
  6. we discussed that earlier
  7. One can still dream :(
  8. Connor McGregors chin hair
  9. A whole bunch of ECs !! And DNs orrr some cash maybe in the Ts
  10. Half price off dorm mates would be perfect
  11. Well BRUH...maybe you should grow some hair on your vag and ask for something new...now calm YOUR self and MOVE ALONG
  12. damn that's cold :lol:
  13. All I want is a free new avi of my choice from all of them
  14. I agree.
  15. An actual nice stat intel female avatar would be nice but then again meeku works so nothing really
  16. All I want for Christmas is for people to recognize Christmas isn't the only winter holiday and not everyone celebrates it
  17. Its summer :/ 34 degree celcius hype
  18. *holiday this time of year. Sorry
  19. support ?