What crazy national day falls on your birthday?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by zoolander7, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Donald Duck day!!!!!  AWESOME!!!!!
  2. Fear the barcodes
  3. National Strawberry Sundae Day (7/7) 
  4.  Babbling Day.. Seems appropriate
  5. My bucket's got a hole in it day
  6. National Milk Chocolate Day ...yum
  7. October 26!!!yay!!!!punk for a day day
  8. submarine day...o_O guess its the day i go down undah lmao also st. pattys day
  9. Fooking Golfers Day. I think mine falls on the most boring day of the year.
  10. yayy~ cotton candy day~
  11. Pistol patent day?
  12. Plush animal lovers day and nations Chocolate day. Cool.
  13. International Polar Bear Day 
  14.  really respect canada. Day
  15. My birthday was the launching of the largest air assault in history, which happened to dramatically fail.
    Operation Market Garden
  16. Old maids day? -.- seriously ? WAS I A MAID IN MY PASSED LIFE ??
  17. unlucky day :-(
  18. Purification Day-which is also but not listed Ground Hogs Day