@DorkiKari don't try to correct me I know that I still dress up and stuff but I dint celebrate the devils bday I just wrote that bcuz some ppl do ~Cυτέn姧
I'm gonna be a pycoitic chef that carries around an eggbeater. Plus I'm gonna wear a really creepy mask. ᏲᎪᎮᎮᎩ ᏲᎪᏝᏝᎾᏯᎧᎧn!!!
I'm gonna b a witch Gonna do that dress (because apparently I'm too tall for kids costumes and too skinny for adult costumes)with a witch hat and other accessories It truly does look better in person
Yes I do have to be so serious. I'm Pagan. It's a Pagan "holiday." Ignorance, saying Pagans are devil worshipers, bothers me. We don't even believe in the devil. Then to say it's the devils birthday... *headdesk*
CHANGE OF PLANS. I'm going to wear a black dress and a blavk mask. Female version of the Phantom of the Opera.