what are you afriad of?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Sep 24, 2011.

  1. clowns!! Oh how im deathly afraid of clowns!!

    pervs!! ewww!!

    the dark!!! wayyy too weird for me even though im very weird myself!!

    being alone!!! probably cause i dont have anyone to yell at or attack!!

    kidnappers!! i was almost kidnapped!!
  2. Clowns and spiders and heights
  3. The dark is my best friend
  4. CLOWNS SCARE ME....one pushed me down the stairs
  5. Clowns are scary pedo bears
  6. Clowns. My loved ones dying.
  7.  nice clown......
  8. See. Their besties.
  9. I like pedos bracelet
  10. Giant black dots. I think they will swallow me and kill me.
  11. I'm scared of myself[​IMG]
  12. Why?! You have pretty hair good complextion and really cool eyes
  13. U see the part thats cut off thats a bald part of me
  14. Why do you have a bald spot
  15. I'm scared of nothingness 

    No not nothing, nothingNESS
  16. Cuz that'd be a bit creepy
  17. I'm scared of the stuff I think might pop out behind a wall or a door when I'm alone it freaks me out big time....I'm not scared of death