What Are Y'all Doing For Valentine's Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Nah, we can cuddle ?

  2. That just means he has no idea what it is yet lol
  3. I have a hawt date with my bed, a bottle of wine, and B.o.b.
  4. Getting a snap from Team Snapchat
  5. i agree my kids and myself noone else
  6. o same lmao
  7. umm .. dating with my self .. with bed .. a couple of drinks .. and just my normal days . nothing's special tbh
  8. Working :cry:

  9. lol yes

  10. nobody cares
  12. What I do every year.. Eat, sleep & uni
  13. ? It’s a plan bbg
  14. Nothing, what is valentine anyway?
  15. Lol, I'll just sleep
  16. Side chick gets brunch-
    Main gets dinner and macaroons.

    Tru for the win-
  17. ill watch you get butthurt
  18. Valentine’s what?
  19. Idk. My gf didn't know what date valentines was til i told her yesterday.
  20. Getting some sucky sucky licky licky most likely. Bf and I don’t really celebrate the day.