that pres thinks his ideas are god sent and all that bs even when no one else agrees with them. generally don't recommend, wasted time and nerves. i'd drop name honestly to warn people not to go there, that was the most toxic club i've been in.
Just saw a club banner that said 1 chibi per entry, they weren’t doing any premium parties (and haven’t for a while via club history) imagine paying 1 chibi to enter an rp club that fails parties
Over the years I've refined and expanded or reduced my club rules as the game has evolved. My personal club rules can be summed up with two; Respect Everyone, and No Idiots. All the other junk you see on club wall is for the Idiots. I'm very proud to see "Respect Everyone" on other clubs walls. That's my contribution to pimd. I saw all these clubs with, "Respect owner and Admin", i thought that was a little narrow of view.
I was in a club, owned and disbanded by someone whos a forum favorite, you HAD to be online to accept gifts for cats and kinis. If pres saw you went offline after dropping, he kicked you for not accepting gifts. If you joined back and dropped and logged out again, he banned you from dropping. He did it to someone who had almost 30 cats. Yes this is an alt accidentally made when trying to switch from main to alt while half asleep ??♀️ changed the name to match this reply ??♀️
If you want a fee for dropping, go to a cc club :roll:. Gifting dropper can't be forced. Should be spontaneous.
I’ve come across so many during my time on here majority are already listed tbf. But one I CANNOT STAND; - you cannot leave the club whilst a party is running. Lol tf Others which have been mentioned; - following all admin team - gifting the dropper (their choice to drop I shouldn’t have to gift. Idc if I sound like a Jew) - saying thanks to dropper in cc (if not you get kicked, yes this has happened to me before ) - Pattern on non ec parties - Ensuring all members had tags (when I was admin for a short time at a club they went crazy if a member didn’t have a tag ?) - Joining third party group chats The list goes on but these where the stupidest ones I can think of
im disappointed aphro, definitely didn’t expect this type of comment from you. it was highly unnecessary.
I found a club advertising ppa so I thought it was open and they told me you had to gift the dropper a stat item each time untill you leave. No one is making you drop your kini or cat, if you want something in return just sell it or go to a catclub. People shouldn't be forced to gift, at least a thank you should be enough.