Well Canada's a good country too so I'm pretty sure there will be some decent internet connection. I don't see what's so amusing about posting a goodbye thread with an alt though. ?
You flatter me. If you think name calling is something I do to look tough, then you don't know me very well.
just as you don't know me, so next time, when speaking to someone, try not to be so disrespectful Hun.
Rina, you really ought to think about things first before you say anything because now you just look like a hypocritical idiot confirming my words.
Rina I've already asked you to leave my thread. And you haven't left yet. And nobody has said your full username allowing you to come back.
and I care why? If you disrespect me, of course I'm going to reply and stand up for myself. I'm not going to let an individual act superior over me just because they believe they are better