"WeLl-KnOwN MeMbEr"

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kefo, Jul 3, 2019.


Do you know who X is?

  1. Yeah

  2. Nah

  3. Lil Nas

  4. Bite my shiny metal ass

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Ure the cutesttestestestest
  2. [​IMG]
    Where are the refutations with hard facts and logic that will cease this annoying back and forth? If you cannot prove your or refute their claim, you should simply agree and move on or agree to disagree.
  3. Kefo, you're cute too
  4. Kefo is definitely the cutest.
    Chili likes this.
  5. Will cite the time that I picked my nose and ate the booger to disprove your claim. I am an animal
    WiIIow, Day and Chili like this.
  6. Adorable.
  7. So the 'Nah' got most votes