Welcoming Committee is Here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaho, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. Oh mods aren't supposed or required to do this, and they rarely do. A club of 50+ active welcomers are more targeted and numerous than mods (collectively speaking).

    They'd be thankful for the SUPPORT. This isn't an infringement on their moderation of the community...
    It isn't a competition.

    They won't butt heads with this club... You express such a silly sentiment
  2. whoa for once people see things the same way i do...trippy.

  3. HS ? What’s that stand for ?
  4. They are, required to help.check out the requirement to be mod clearly says it there.
  5. To become one, not to maintain the role...
  6. understand, not that I can stop it anyways. Still happening I’m just not a supporter. Hate me that’s fine sorry. 
  7. but...who hates you? don't try to derail this thread and make it about people "hating" you, just because they disagree with you. im pretty sure we're all more mature than that lol

    TWC...you're doing amazing sweetie.
  8. Then why be mod if you cant comply ? Basically Is like saying I’m a cop but i won’t arrest you if I see you vandalizing. I think this will fall under mods doing what they suppose to do or not and who’s problem is it if they aren’t or and how to adresss it.
  9. I’m not making it about hating me, you said that on your own. I reference to my opinion of no support that’s all.
  10. quote where i said i hated you(?)
  12. That's not her saying she hates you, she's saying you're delusional.
  13. it's in quotations for a reason, reread it, then read it again extra slowly.

    (ciara is sexy.)
  14. HeartDrive seriously hasn't a clue for all the bb coding he does tbh
  15. To hell with a welcoming committee. There are people in my club with 10x my stats that aren't even max cash bonus. We need remedial tutoring for the people that play the game and are still clueless