Unfortunately we don't speak the language and have no way of knowing what language is being spoken, therefore, the best thing for any player who can speak Hindi to do is to follow the link provided and submit an application, as opposed to breaking a forum rule?
Dropout, the link to the moderator application has been posted several times throughout this thread. If they wish to apply, they can click any one of the links. This was also stated in Marceline's original post As speaking any language other than English is against the forums Rules of Conduct, Wolf was considerate of the nature of the post, and warned instead of banning. "Proving" you can speak a language doesn't qualify as an application..
So here's a question, ? if that's the case Should you Do the same with public channels and Walls because according to the statement in the RoC "so that it can be properly moderated" or am I wrong and maybe this isn't a game allowing people to share international interactions if that's the case please make servers for every Nation that has a language other than primary English and make an international server as well ? Or not it's whatever I'm not a moderator and it's not my problem weather your team fails or not however I do genuinely care that your responsibility is to maintain and uphold order and help new players no matter the Cause unless it is something that needs to be handled by an immediate developer I am genuinely concerned for the community and it's players I advised that a list and quick way to access mods be made available but again that's not happened and probably never will most of you are virtually unknown and are never here, I understand you all have real lives so do I. I just ask that you all as a collaborate effort be more active within the community I understand why ATA took out the silence notifications in world chat so long ago was to 1-Prevent player harassment 2-Prevent moderator harassment 3-Give you guys the ability to lurk and crack down on unsuspecting rule breakers Anyhow I'm done with my intense bickering over the subject for now anyhow
Nobody is saying MODS have to be popular what we are saying is that these guys are basically so far unknown that even the older forumers have no clue who they even are and we question, How are they active and what have they contributed to the community,
Dropout, there are several guides that have lists of moderators, including built in links to their profiles. Pretty sure at least 2 of them are stickied in the guide section. They obviously need updating, given recent additions, but they are there nonetheless. In terms of language, I'm sure you're aware there are two servers. There is only one forum. In terms of our community presence, it is one aspect ATA considers when choosing mods. As Winston said today, some mods are more well known than others, that doesn't impact their abilities to be good moderators. I'm sure you don't check the walls of every player that posts in campus to see if a mod has actually helped, but I guarantee it happens. Lurking also helps minimise the spam of trolls and beggars, allowing us to focus on actually helping ATA do monitor our activity, so if they're happy, we're happy
I understand where you are coming from and yes there are a few and yes they are outdated what I should have said was that an up to date official sticky needs to be done on it As well as having one thread one up to date silencing rules and etc there is so much not up to date that it is insane Also secondly why if we have two servers can there not be two separate forums? Thirdly Community presence along with the Knowledge base should be the Biggest Aspect that allows people to become moderators, from my point of view none of the newly chosen moderators have contributed(Just my personal feelings) they are also Very well unknown. I even feel some of them were just handed the spot such as your RS because they are just super unknown There is only so much you guys can do you have real lives and are also obliged to enjoy the game as well I'm not on 24/7 to help people and neither are you, and you can't help everyone and you're not always gonna make everyone happy. Anyhow I do hope some updates are made to current threads that include important information,
Yes, we do have our own lives, and the moderator role is voluntary. The game has changed direction significantly over the past 6 years, and the efforts of a few aren't going to bring back 2010 PIMD, sorry dude. Feel free to make updated guides, if you're so inclined Regarding my RS, he has has also been playing for 6 years, and is always picking people from campus and walling them. You wouldn't know him, because he only engages brand new players. Funny right? He was judged on his own merits, as was every other mod. You may not know the mods that have been chosen, and you may be dissatisfied with their style of play and moderation, but as I said, as long as the devs are happy.. Aaaand that's all the feeding I have for you this evening..
Unfortunately feeding isn't the intent here nor am attempting to be of any kind of troll behavior but also There are plenty of other 6Year players with Merits of more than just "Walling new players" we've all done that also sadly could say it's not really even any of you I dislike ? Mostly it's the horrid head of the snake the development team for pimd I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the game crashed in a few years maybe less the developers have done nothing to really inspire anyone except repeating the same thing over and over and over with no end and no real goal While on the other hand KAW has done the exact opposite and made it possible for War PVP and PVE players to get the best of both worlds if you get bored of Fighting Epics go join a system war and show off your build and your might so many things to do in KAW While in PIMD what are you doing if you're not partying? Sure you could War, if you're lucky to find one heck if you looked a lil may even be able to join a sfw but what is there to gain you don't get anything for the wars here and there's no real winner in sfw's all it really turns into is he-said she-said and they'll say they warred real good for 3-5 months but honestly probably just traded words or SP'd on a party, so In reality if you're not partying pimd has no real other actual viable thing for you to do cause that's the meta
In reality you're a salty little brat because you didn't get it. You've given your opinion like 10 times now. Give it a rest :?
?I agree minus applying. I feel like the community should at least know them in some shape of fashion....... and be picked solely by the Devs ?instead of if the mods like them or nah. That kind of stuff is bias and they will try to get their friends modded and such (if they pass and such). I get you have to work together and stuff but like Idk how two of these mods got voted in by mods and devs? but lolz
LOL??? that's exactly what I was thinking too! Only 1 seems active majority of the time. Lmao crazy
Us(the mods) liking them has no bearing at all on who ata picks for future mods, we don't see mod applications, we are unpaid volunteers lol
Congrats to all new mods, that being said to those complaining about not knowing them, do not blame them for that. It's not their fault you have never talked to them before, if it's such a big deal starting today feel free to start messaging everyone on the game, so that next time mods are picked you will know every single one of them. If you don't feel like putting that effort into then shut up already since it's your fault for not trying. Yes the situation was really that simple