Welcome to the team, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Any chances I could be one too??
  2. Congrats Cindyrela 
  3. There is no harm in filling out a moderator application but best to wait till they update the web page for when they are looking for new mods it may be a long wait if you don't speak Hindi
  4. only if you believed enough
  5. Congratulations all. Especially my friend Cindyrella and Zomervlinder.

    By the way I am from India and i can speak 8 Indian languages.
  6. How do u become a moderate
  7. @sexybutt?
  8. ive been applying for 2 years on becoming a mod :-(((( u guys are so cruel
  9. Yeah... this post exactly is why you aren’t one.
  10. I want to apply for moderator..... How can I do please suggest me..... I am waiting for your presseous reply.. Thank you
  11. The correct spelling is precceous.
  12. With what I see in World Chat every couple of seconds I would guess that the moderators don't moderate. Seriously, what is the point of assigning players a position of power that isn't being used?/bump
  13. Is it just me or have any of you guys ever seen any of their names before....?
  14. I would like to apply for mod as well ?
  15. Hey I was just wondering if I could apply, but I’ve been silence a few times a few years back. Would that go against me?
  16. Am I allowed to shake my head at the fact that Kefo hasn’t been made a mod or HS yet.
  17. No
  18. My bargain with a.t.a is that they make me an HS that has the speakers and silencing abilities of mods, but the blue name, and they just grant it to me :/ Idk if they know it yet, but they will do it :mad:)
  19. that brown on your nose