Welcome to our New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Mar 19, 2013.

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  1. Why should I welcome them....all they do is force bump my tuts and abuse there power...
  2. welcome to all newest mods 
  3. How do you become a mod
  4. How do you become a mod?? Wall me or Follow me!!
  5. Riccennaa
  6. Can I be a mod
  7. I joined during the summer of 2012.... Everything has changed tbh even the mods I miss the old mods they were better and more dedicated :/ but welcome new mods 
  8. Yeah I miss Fallingstars, Riccena, and Ski too. These new mods are lamee 
  9. You know riccena and fallingstars are still mods right?
  10. Great more noobs !
  11. Only applez and sir nekkie added me 

    I want to spam all mod pm's so please add me mods 
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