Hello, fresh meat. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance. So please, do enjoy your stay in this insane asylum. ~M
Pimd_community, I have a question. Actually, multiple questions. Waffles or pancakes? Will you amuse us like kaw_admin has, or how pimd_admin has started to lately? And are you going to upgrade ever?
I just have one question: If you could have sex with any superhero, who would it be, and why? don't mind me,
Can you have a speacial character? And... wouldnt it be if silenced people talk to to ask questions nd stuff ?
Do u get unlimited ec like the mods get a poop load of speakers?? If so, as the liason for the community u should let us vote on a name for u bc this one is pretty lameName changing is one of the many perks of pimd! If ur supply is indeed unlimited (maybe ur paycheck is in ec/dn form hahahaha) then u should change ur name everyday. Hope ur name is a diff color from the mods when/if u post wc.
Pimd_community you said that you played this before you where appointed pimd_community did you enjoy it?
I KNOW THE QUESTION WE HAVE BEEN DYING TO KNOW: @PIMD_Community ARE YOU A BOOB MAN OR ASS MAN? WHICH DO YOU PERFER? And if you are a female then I dunno what to ask, Red lipstick or blue? Eh i dunno.
Pimd_Community, So you said previously that you have okay the game before. Correct? So what made the game interesting for you and what were the challenges that kept you playing? Also, you're name? Does it mean that you represent us as the pimd community? ️
FUCK YAH! DREAM!! If someone doesn't have dreams it's almost the same thing as BEING DEAD - A LIVIN GHOST!! DREAMMMMMM YOOOO