Welcome pimd_community!!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. My tutor Acknowledge me 
  2. Welcome pimd_community! And Jopo go and read original post by pimd admin, they're a new team member and pimd wanted us to welcome them so we are.
  3. Can you be fun like kaw_creative?
  4. What's this thing you call fun? :p
  5. Well anyways please let me introduce myself to you pimd_Community.

    I am the king of this community

    If you need anything, step in my mansion!
    I will gadly welcome you in.

    I lied i'm not even a king?
  6. Fun, by definition, is "amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable."


    Seriously, though. Could you tell us a bit about yourself? I'm assuming, since you're trying to figure out what makes pimd special to us, that you haven't played this game yourself. Besides your paycheck, do you have a motivation? Perhaps a deep-seated love for tap games? :p

    If there's one thing I've learned here in the past 2.5 years, it's that the community loves to be heard and feel like we're being heard (we've had a bit of trouble with the latter). Show us you care. Make us feel safe in your arms. 
  7. ^ the arms of someone that will drag your straight to hell 
  8. Fair questions, and I'll answer as best as I can.

    I'm an avid gamer myself, and love how with mobile games you can just pick up and play wherever you are. I also strongly believe that the true basis of any game lies in it's community. Without players a game is nothing more than a piece of software. It's only when you add the human element that it truly shines and becomes it's own living and growing thing. I'm thrilled to have the chance to help foster growth, and nurture both the game, and you as a community as we grow together.

    I've actually been playing the game for a while now, though I'm sure most of you know much more than I do about the mechanics and state of the game, I hope to continually expand my knowledge. My reasoning asking for your thoughts was more to see what each of you enjoy with the game, as there are many ways to enjoy a game, and each of you may be playing for different reasons.
  9. Since t6 came out I finally have a goal to reach again which makes me extremely happy, so now I continue to play to upgrade.

    What has made me stay so long on here is my friends as well as meeting new people and making new friends as well as having the ability to state my opinion openly and honestly in forums. I play pimd for the forums for the most part anymore and the occasional war or scavenger hunt that catches my eye. Like those pugs are so cute.

    I'm also horribly addicted and spent way to much money on here to ever quit unless you guys formally kick me out of the game. 
  10. Can you say hi to me, your pupil? 
  11. I see. Occasionally threads pop up about why people play this game (including the Dev one itself), so you might seek out those for a bit of preliminary insight.

    Thanks for your time, and best of luck to you. =)
  12. 0_O serious question time:

    Do you prefer Ham (like FallingStars) or Bacon (Like Nekkie)?

     AND.......

    What is your favorite thing in the game? (could be a person, gift, store item, Ect...)
  13. Welcome pimd_community
  14. PIMD_Community: Less gifting, more campus fighting. We need less gifts. Really.. Who needs them? They're interesting, but not needed. They create RP accounts that do nothing but whine for more gifts and never grow in the game. Also, do something about PvP dropping rewards like KaW soon will.
  15. Also, Welcome dear ^^ as I said on your wall :p
  16. Do you intend to kick ass and take names, pimd_community?
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