The mods are now ata’s pet so there’s that. Also I don’t think all of them posted on this thread¿¿ like rude
:Roll: Wish ATA would pick MODS that actually Interact with the community I have a whole lot of wish in one hand and spit in the other Ever since they switched up the Dev Team, Game hast lost it’s class imo
Wowwwww, the shade! That was my opinion. Supposedly opinions can't be wrong so... ? :lol: Also, I appreciate your approval. :lol: H... have you lurked forums lately? There's a bunch of us from here. Hey. Hi. Hello! ?
Oh wow? Really? For how long will you be here? Till this post dies down? Yawn you’re all the same I wish they’d also bring back a dedicated forum mod role
Actually you do because I ain’t seen Shiz from you except every rare blue moon until today So congratulations String bean
Please go on and enjoy, continue your jubilant Celebration however I can think of so many more people worth The RA, and HS spot and you’re definitely not on the list. My statement stands as it was earlier LegWarmers is the only Justified person imo to become an RA this round the rest are just fodder