Welcome, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

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  1. who is tht also
  2. Welcome to the team and goodluck. ?
  3. Welcome to the team guys
  4. Umm :s
    So anyone is given mod these days ig ... it what it sounds like you're saying.
  5. yes apparently anyone gets mod post these days and they come in bulk
  6. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  7. im glad they didnt appoint kefo , that would be downfall for pimd , a slippery slop
  8. R.I.P Blue Name
  9. Anyone can apply and become a mod. I was one and no one knew me so what.  It doesn't matter how many people know or like them. They should moderate and not be everyone's BFF. They've 3 months to prove they're good or not :)
  10. you were one ?no wonder why you arent anymore
  11. No one wonders ?
  12. prolly you failed miserably as a mod so they kicked you
  13. Probably yes, probably no. Doesn't matter anymore we've new ones.
  14. most probably yes and you seem butthurt about it
  15. Yes I'm so butthurt, that's why I still play  I like this game for the people you get to know and the friends you find and not because of a green name and the powers that come with it  But each their own opinion 
  16. is that what you tell yourself ?lol ok whatever that float your boat
  17. @Cindyrela don't bother responding to Noob. He's our resident troll and has been quite grumpy lately.
  18. Best part about being a new mod:salty highstat players in wc that say they hate mods but then proceed to spam my wall asking how to be one:) mk

    Ps only a small amount are really rude tbh everyone else is pre nice and supportive ily
  19. oh already enjoying the attention i see
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