Welcome, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

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  1. thanks sam but im fine being like that :lol:
  2. Congratulations!
  3. yeah many more but again gotta love how transparent ata is in process of assigning mods
  4. ^^ Amen!
  5. Congrats, you got your green names. This post is not only written with the new mods in mind but also existing mods. Are any of you going to do your required duties? I've been peeking in on WC for the past two hours and each time I have seen multiple violations of campus chat rules and nobody has been silenced or at least reminded of the rules. There appears to be little to no mod presence apart from the half an hour after you got your green names. Where are all the mods, old and new? Please don't say asleep because I know you're all in different time zones and ATA has picked enough of you to cover them all  I know it hasn't been long, and this is a general thought on existing and new mods. I thought the moderator position existed to moderate chat and PIMD. Appearances in WC reminding people not to offer/ask for third party app info, and of the other rules was something we saw a lot of last year when the mods were old enough to download this app and were concerned with keeping the game fun and safe. It's something I have rarely seen recently. Congrats, your names are green. I hope you and all mods will show us why you earned your colors.
    No I don't know all your individual ages but from your appearance in WC tonight there is no way all of you are over 17 

    ? Agree 100%


    What's the point of more mods if they arent widening the scope of silencable/reprehensible acts.
    Just more glorified green name's not able to alter or address much.

    Is there a point?[/quote][/quote]
  6. Typical. As soon as I post I go to WC and I see a couple of mods 

  7. Congrats to all the new mods! Thank you for all your hard work ?
  8. ?
  9. These new mods are trash
  10. Give them their 15min of fame, The special feeling will die out in due time
  11. O grats y'all.
  12. Congrats everyone! Makes me feel old :cry:
  13. Congrats to all new mod :)
  14. Support.

    What's the point of more mods if they arent widening the scope of silencable/reprehensible acts.
    Just more glorified green name's not able to alter or address much.

    Is there a point?

    At this moment, we are still working to learn new things and still on adjustment stage :) don't worry we will do our best .. ??
  15. post it on the contest thread or it may not be counted!!
  16. I’m deceased and have nearly given up following these quotes of quotes of quotes ?‍♀️
  17. Waste of time none of them will forum or watch wc. Could basically go with no mods, as wall posts/wc/profiles are reportable
  18. Wat? They've already maxed it to 3-4 tf you having trouble for? '-'
  19. Peeps on the list haven’t even posted here ?bright future ahead
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