Welcome, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

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  1. I missed the application again...
  2. She wasn’t very happy about that last PvP we had. So she argued with ata and demanded to be stepped down.
  3. Lmao no way. For that little issue? Lol
  4. Player’s have their own resolve when it comes to issues. I think stepping down deserves a little respect tho
  5. Hmm i dunno. For a mistake ATA made and did their best to solve it i think it’s a but to far to step down. Like the threads she and her RS made okay... but stepping down... i dunno. Who am i to judge tbh. If she thinks its the best she can do then she can?‍♀️
  6. Damn, I thought it was a new list lol
  7. Congrats y’all! I have a question though. How do you become a moderator?
  8. You wait for ata to make a thread requesting for players to apply to become a mod and then they’ll give instructions.
  9. How to apply to be one like them all i wished playing pimd for 2yrs
  10. Making posts asking on how to be one is the best way to ruin your chances. You could’ve just asked support.
  12. All mods are unfair and they all sucks!
    Say no to have mods!?
  13. Uppppp. They got no chills
  14. Gonna bring this chat back up so y'all think you missed mod applications lmfao
  15. Congratulations!??
  16. I wasn't here when it happened so belated congrats to all, especially to the former rebel Daniela ?????.
  17. .... y’all just a lil late
  18. This thread is old now, these mods have been around a while now. :]
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