Welcome, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

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  1. When is the next opportunity to apply for being a mod?
  3. Ever sinse pub was added mod standards dropd. Never see them no more any where they just in it for the free unlimited speakers. Even ata have dropd I reported ages ago some kid admiting more then 1 time that they 12 n they still here on this game
  4. Being mods ???‍♂️
  5. MoDs hAvE a LiFe 2
    It also takes a lot of effort keeping up with convos in pub, ain’t nobody tryna watch for silences
  6. How are moderators choosen???
  7. You have to apply! Then ATA will choose your application.
  8. And apparently you also got to be a pretty active trader on pub/campus. Since trading somehow counts as helping people, when it’s mainly just helping for their own gain.
  9. Congratz ?????
  10. Lmao :lol:
  11. I wonder how the list looks now that some have lost their mod position
  12. I wanna be a mod too ATA notice me senpai
  13. I was only aware of Jersey stepping down
  14. Idk understands -_-can someone explain
  15. Hope i will be next new mod 
  16. You won't. You only been playing 119 days.
  17. Im late but congrats to all the cuties ?
  19. Why did she tho?
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