Welcome, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

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  1. The Student Government of Party in my Dorm approves of these Moderators.
  2. this post wont help you
  3. The homie ClickBait is up there????
  4. when is the next test?
  5. its not like you will make it
  6. No one knows yet, be sure to keep an eye on forums because they will be posted on here.
  7. How do u become Moderato?
  8. you arent ready
  9. You need to have extensive knowledge of TOU and ROC, as well as game mechanics and general game knowledge.
    No history of recent silences, and no bans.
    You must be 17+.
    You have to been playing for at least 6 months.
    Helpful, active, and positive member of the community.

    When they are looking for moderators again, ATA will post a thread with a link to the application.

    I suggest reading the thread by ATA Winston in the Annoucememt section called Moderator Application FAQ.

    Also, generally speaking, if you don't know how to become a mod, you're not ready to apply.
  10. bring back clickbait 2k18
  11. I thought so?

    Figured he resigned tbh
  12. If you gon resign in three weeks.. why apply :lol:
    _-_Vegeta likes this.
  13. congrats new mods  even of i don't know a single one of them
  14. No
  15. you need at least 6 months of gameplay. you have only been here for just under 4 months.
  16. Congrats to everyone.
  17. I want to become a moderator how can i become one please message me back thanks u
  18. Congratulations One and all...
    Specially Dan Bro the head of our Family, Meowchi my best clubmate ever and Jersey the best friend and coolest player ever.
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