Welcome, Moaaar New Mods!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. Also welcome and hello. 
  2. Figured I wouldn’t make it but that’s ok
  3. Same. Can't hurt to try though. ?
  4. I’m just not good enough
  5. That's a mood tbh but.. you are good enough ♡️
  6. Do yall ever check the date of the thread lmao
  7. Nope. My eyes don't work thank you.
  8. Hush ex rs ?
  9. Yet your status says, “No random adds”. Not quite a mod attitude.
  10. You're good enough for me bby. 
  11. They should have locked it then lol
  12. I thought there’d be more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Congrats to those that made it!
  13. Lock this old thread tbh 
    Come on guys atleast check a date?
  14. This is a thread from 2017 :]
  15. If anyone who applied and commented on this thread thinking is was current gets mod, I’m gonna need ATA to take a serious look at themselves
  16. Congrats!!!

    Jkjkjk lol but belated congrats to yall lol
  17. Oh yay new mods hope they all dont just generalise
  18. Please check the dates of the announcements you're bumping.