Welcome, Moaaar New Mods!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. y’all are so late on this replies ️
  3. Arse smacked my hand just check wall.
  4. So basically to be a mod you must farm and being a complete ass on game this is bs the people like kitten low level peice of crap who dropped stats just so she felt tough farming noobs and any one with af is a farmer and an asshat great to see this game will forever sit in misery because people with power are biggest ass clowns on game well thanks again let them continue to farm and be dicks its great tell your friends Villian he should be next one nominated bc!he is only one bigger ass then all!of you peace out homies
  5. Not really there are many mods who doesn't even know how to farm well tbh I mean they might know how but they haven't farmed ?
  6. you have 0 losses

  7. Don't see how farming is relevant to being mod or how all the names you mentioned relate to this thread. But go on mate.
  8. What exactly is the point of having mods these days?
    It's not like there's any worthy rules left on this game to enforce anymore.
  9. Re:  heart broken

    I was about to be quite disappointed in pimd until I saw the date of this thread and then I saw this
  10. Really funny!how I!get farmed after posting and you guys arse another farmer no losses until now on this account idiot but good talk never said all mods farm met mrs nascar she nice but also met you!others like kitten and arse who farm over petty shit like your in top 100 im not get this bs off game its way game used to be played you all cater to guys like Villian bc he spends hundreds of dollars the very least so us less fortunate will always be screwed come at me idc
  11. you have 6 losses

  12. Never have I ever farmed though. Too much effort for me. ?
  14. How does it feel to be butthurt over a phone game?
  15. Of course @Daddy_Asf gets matching Mod name girl isn’t that suppose to be illegal ? You can’t have favoritism when looking just because he probably put in a PLEASE for her. No wonder he’s first post is “thank you.” I’m just mad I’m right, losers touché.
  16. Mommy_AsF is Daddy_AsF it was just his user at the time. Mommy_AsF is not mod, you can check if you so please. :)

  17. Yous fanni 
  18. Im not kidding an entire list of mods with links is on my guide. (frequently asked questions v. 1.1)