
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *xoAddieox (01), Sep 22, 2011.

  1. I know lmao I'm kidding college algebra? Good lord what could that be hmmm um..
  2. And this Sounds stupid but I check over my work three times and then my dad checks it over
  3. I think it's easy. I'm gifted at math though. I wanted calculus but I wasn't allowed. My schedule was too demanding.
  4. 5r[5(-55•-44)]
  5. Are you expecting an answer?
  6. Easy? Whoa!!!!!! No way! I'm like a turtle I need to go very slow to get things but I know if I try hard enough I can accomplish my goals
  7. Pre-al expressions...
  8. I listen to my iPod through the notes lol. I just figure out new things on my own. Teachers are overrated. Lol.
  9. I'd need paper pencil a calculator a pencil sharpener and like ummm...a computer that's already on the web page "answers.com" lmao
  10. Bloody, that is basically Latin to me lmao
  11. Wow!!!!!!! I wish I was that good
  12. I took Latin for a year 
  13. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu???I read this whole thread and I'm disturbed... Kbye now
  14. Wow!!!:) that's cool I take Spanish and I'm gonna get started with Japanese
  15. The limit of sin(x over x as x approaches zero.