Weight-losing tips!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gabbysaur, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. all then things and ads about eat this and drink that are all bs products to make people spend hundreds of dollars when all you have to do is go to the gym And find some motivation. Running is a good way to. Not just going out for jog. To track things like me.
  2. Try drinking a glass of water if you feel hungry. A lot of the time you think you're hungry when you're actually thirsty. If you're still hungry after the water then eat something.
  3. Don't get fat in the first place. Duh!
  4. I would exercise but I never have the time to because I'm always running around and I do have school and such.

    And "not getting fat in the first place" isn't as easy as it sounds, hun. If you have a skinny body, I'd love to see you maintain that shape for the rest of your life.
  5. Don't eat processed or refined foods at all. Do not use artificial sweeteners. Sweat for thirty minutes doing something OUTSIDE!

    Eat breakfast every day. Eggs isn't as bad of an option as people want you to think.

    Weight loss is 90% nutrition. Fix your nutritional habits. Exercise is great, but if you exercise and still eat like crap...you won't lose much.

    LIFT WEIGHTS!! YES, EVEN YOU GIRLS!! Muscle Burns more calories than fat.

  6. I'm not a troll  I'm an ogre, your mother cast a spell on me so I looked worse then her and I thought that was impossible 
  7. Cut out soda?

  8. If the forum doesn't apply to you, stop posting. Seriously. And sneakbo, I bet your mom looks like a saggy bag of crap so get out.
  9.  Ignore the trolls. This is a lovely thread. I've been following this system for years (adding in only basic exercise like sit-ups/push-ups/squats and other stuff anybody can do in a basement), I went from a squishy awkward preteen to a six pack. So "don't do this because it's bad for you" is a false statement.
    Basically weight loss comes down to putting less into you mouth than you burn off.

    Trolls troll because they don't eat enough fruit. 
  10. Preach  thanks for supporting my thread 
  11. Somebody gimme a recap of this please. You shalt be rewarded with a gift.
  12. "But I eat coz I'm fat and I'm fat coz I eat"

    Put less food in your mouth, exercise more.
  13. i love this thread. I'm not a healthy eater by any means. But, I'm a firm believer in eating healthy for 6 days a week and having a slack day 1 day. Excercise is a must with that.
    I know everybody adores superficial beauty, but, beauty isn't only skin deep.
    You can still be a bit overweight, and still be healthy. For you non believers out there it's true.
  14. Thank you Berry. I just made this thread because for some people it's really hard to build up the motivation to exercise. So if you can't exercise, the least you can do is have a healthier diet.

    Others are just ignorant and don't understand the struggle of weight loss, even after a pregnancy or weight gained from depression. Eh, I digress.