Weekend beach Party!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Oh I'm gone half a day and I've missed loads
  2. ATA is getting hate and they ask people to make new threads hahahaha, #ATACantTakeIt. it is like the ccbc peeps, when they get hit they cant take it lmao, but honestly ata stick to what you say, these system wars? where are they? I dont see them, all i see is hunts everywhere.
  3. ^^and they wonder why pimd doesn't pay mind to them...you ppl talk to much shit
  4. Party Weekeend!!!!

    Still waiting for the Wars though.... havnt experience it for a year.... lol
  5. Thank u ATA
  6. Ata why u do this to us?? where is war system?
  7. For fuck sake guys are you all for fucking real? They only closed the opinion thread yesterday and your all fucking complaining already? Im sure they are working as fast as they can to please everyone and all ideas that were written in that thread. Jeez you all seem to think they have the worlds largest team of workers or something. For all we fucking know there could be like 10 programmers... how bout you little negative Nancy's go create and program your own online game while making thousands of ppl happy? Oh sorry you can't coz your fucking stupid!!! Just shut the fuck up everyone is getting what they want who cares how long it takes! You ain't busting your ass to program it so shut up!

    Rant over just sick of complaints and ungrateful little wankers... be patient!!!
  8. Seriously pimd I dunno how you keep sane! Big kudos for not going crazy and doing something silly!
  9. Just saying

    If you make iWar pay better than Cat Cafe (No Hypnocat need to join iWar)
    If you make iWar do drop stat item (1mcs/1mcs, 10mcs/10mcs)
    If you make iWar do drop more x10 more item grab/ hunt item than parties

    How many player will still do party b2b? Or b2b cc?
  10. i like this raver person
  11. Why not give us the full details now so we'll be prepared when party is officially on? Not really hard to do,eh?
  12. Nevermind @pimd, I will just trying to adapt.
  13. I love the party's thanks pimd looking forward to hunts
  14. Beach Party
  15. I wonder what the wars are gonna be on and omg yay new parties!!! Cant wait to go mercing this weekend!
  16. She calls us stupid yet her grammar and spelling sucked. Nice one mate.
  17. Why thankyou korsett lol im a happy chirpy person here and irl but jeez Louise the negative ppl on here really suck it outta ya! Seriously if this was my game I'd be like you know what... fuck ya! Can't make ya happy so fuck a fat one... ungrateful little shits. Why not be like oh thankyou for letting us know your gonna do this And that we await patiently with all excitement. Not fuck you you fucking lying assholes we hate you blah blah blah... its a pity how negative ppl are... especially over a game! Grow up.
  18. ^ English isn't our first language :(
  19. New parties sound great . Looking forward to them!