Weekend beach Party!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. All these people crying bc Ata hasn't released new party. Funny, you can't wait a day but complain when people who want wars do after waiting years. Chill. Friday's not over yet.
  2. The purge war ????
  3. Would love to say all u war ppl that are being outrageous right not that would u please get your panties out of a wad because to be honest pimd could just release a crap war wait patiently and a epic war system will come out
  4. does anyone know the guide on how to make bb coding?
  5. Its under strategy
  6. Were waiting?
  7.  lol that pic
  8. lmao ? we only have to wait a day. Chill.
  9. I think ata are Canadian time zone :geek: not positive though ?
  10. I think they are PST
  11. LOL, PIMD got sassy.

    As if they have an actual reason to be sassy about something.

    A new party, really?
    Thanks, I forgot about the 20 plus other parties we had 
  12. 4 hours more
  13. I want to swim with sharks
  14. At 12pm they should release them so 2 more hours
  15. It's 1:21pm est if they do release at 12pm it will be 3pm here but still most of the day has gonna with no new party.... what a waste of Friday I hope we get the party soon I'm curious to what it is and what we will need to collect and how rare the drops will be