Weekend beach Party!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Where are partiesvuvtold us pimd
  2. Chill out guys the parties will come  and even if its saturday for you it will last till thuesday so dont wry and take a chill pill.

    Kyu out have a nice day
  3. I'm just bored and haven't slept so yea I want to see them ?Ps the reason I havent slept is not due to waiting for parties?)
  4. 9pm Friday 25th here 
  5. Hopefully ata will use the beta wars for statistics to generate various programs for warring techniques that a war can be generated and simulate an actual war like against ppl. Would be cool if they had awards for it and different difficulty levels for each war duration.
  6. Warrrrrrr
  7. 11:10pm Friday here  looks like new parties will come until Saturday for me  COME ON PIMD!
  8. Wars and new parties. Great job pimd. 
  9. Friday is about to be over but still no beach party? 
  10. America time, people. Fl
  11. 7.30pm 25th here.... Pimd were u bluffing??
  12. No pimd goes by a diff. Time zone. Where im at its only 9 a.m. friday
  13. There time varies from ours
  14. What's their time there?
  15. Yay Ty pimd