Weekend beach Party!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Keep us addicted?

    Or finally drive off the rest of the warriors who remained here because we had faith things would improve.

    I know for one, my addiction level dropped 200% today. Much respect was lost.
  2. Well people always come and go. There will always be people wanting to play. Always
  3. :shock: why is that man trying to kiss a dog! :shock:
  4. Driving off your long time customers is not good business. Not at all.
  5. Wowwww devs..!! Its look Awesome 
  6. Neither is driving off the thousands they make each day from b2b cc clubs
  7. There is a plan a brewing. A storm a coming
  8. Thousands from a party people can rarely dn in? They'd make much more from wars. Max dn from both sides is $1200, 1 dn from both sides in war is $200. So say a 12 hr war…you can do what 6-7 cc's in that time? That's less than $50. Would you rather make $50 or $200?

    Much respect lost.
  9. You also fail to realize the sfw going on right? There's a war go join it and max dn all day
  10. Wtf are you on about? Your argument lacks any logic. Are you going to retort my point or carry on some nonsence?

    There's a Fake Art party somewhere. Why don't you go join that? You don't need new parties.
  11. Keep calm @Wolf, we miss Superman avatar :D
  12. I'm happy with the parties my club does I'm not bitching like you. It's a war. If you wanna war go join it simple as that
  13. ......-_- can't even
  14. You do realize there's a huge difference in system wars and sfw right? Oh no, probably not. Noobzilla get to the guide section and educate yourself before you speak.
  15. I'm a noob no Shame in admitting it  but a war is a war so stop bitching and be patient you'll get your war young one
  16. Stop going off topicmake a thread if you want to rant 
  17. Unigadori... this thread had calmed down... why Did you have to go and fire it uoi again. People like that should be forum banned. Noone is saying you have to join parties or wars. Do whatever the fuck you like... just quit complaining. And $1m in one month! :lol: oh what's the next crap to dribble from ppls mouths? No way do they make that much. I don't pay any money for this game. I probably spent $50 in my first 3 months but that's it. A million dollars a month omg :lol:
  18. Hey im just happy I figured the :lol: forum emoji out... never in my life on any game have I seen such ungrateful people. What are you guys like irl? Im going to bask in my gratefulness on figuring out the laugh emoji and watch Mr Miyagi. Bbl. Unless someone has something good to say lol.