Weekend beach Party!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Oh I'm so so so hurt! Sorry but I am in a rush and can't cater to your spelling and grammar needs.
  2. Why only for the weekend though ? 
  3. Don't miss it
  4. Will u guys shut the fuck up. If u hate it just freakin quit it. U big stats player only think of urself. What about us huh?! Do u think we can war on those big wars hah!!! All u guys ever think is urself. Fuck that. We also want to party too since its what we can do. Pimd already said u'll be having war soon so stay freakin chill if they release a new party. Dont be so selfish. Saying all that crap to pimd is just making u more like a brat...
  5. I'm not going to miss this party
  6. My point exactly! Ata has a whole community to please. And these idiots 'wah but me me me' its not all about you. We are a community. Don't want to be apart of that then go play a one player game?
  7. whohooo new party's that I don't care about I wonder when war are going be release
  8. I'm target to reach 50x Completion for this new party. :mrgreen: To all club owner and admin, kindly let me in. :) I have no DN for party, :( but I will always trying to hit on pattern, milk it well, :cool: spent some speaker to call for more Party Helper. :D
  9. Probably gonna have to buy a drop to use in party. Nice, devs. Another money-making idea.
  10. Face. I'll Welcome you to my club when I have one 
  11. Thanks, @AJ
  12. ata boss wanna buy diamond ring for his wife so releasing new parties to make some $$$ lol
  13. Lol I'd do the same thing though. Ata is a business NOT a charity.
  14. dear Pimd
    y u so vague
  15. Not everyone likes wars and it's called party in my dorm not war in my dorm.-_-
  16. ^ Error404: Charlie not found.

    No wonder. :)
  17. Wow so much emotion here. 

    Keep Calm
    Play the Game

  18. What time will ths party starts in sgt time
  19. @pimd.. .......why do you try to throw us off? Totally see what you're doing. Sly dog you. Keep us as addicts huh?! ... Probably and most definitely will work. Unfortunately