We want war options!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GizziMovedToBoraBora, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Rabbit you rock 
  2. Support
  3. Support. Power to my bunny again. ?
  4. Please explain why you don't support instead of just putting "no support"
  5. support for Sophesoph
  6. support~~!!
  7. oops why is it so small..
  8. 
    The Titans l

    We are a war club. We fight everyone.
    Bringing back the old pimd.
    Join our army and rule over pimd.
  9. I'm not big on wars which is partly due to how freaking long the starting time and the length so I totally support this idea. I think it would promote more players to war.
  10. I love the fact that your name falls off the side when you post forums 
  11. Support 2 hour war would be nice too
  12. Support 
    More wars definitely need to happen. And love the idea of not having to stay up for 24 hours straight because I don't wanna miss out on anything. 