I read your rant and what you ranted about didnt seem like something i would do or ever done i never said i wanted cc gone, or that i wanted more wars or less wars, or more hunts or less hunts. Like tha dude up there i go with the flow, it wont affect me whatever way pimd decides to take the game. Game ends up like gaw or not wont affect me. Like when i played games like God Of War, i finished the game and moved on. So by "we are pimd" youre referring to the whiners and complainers? Not that theres anything wrong with that, you love the game so much you want it to the best it can be.
Pretty much yeah ? I'm referring to people who've said they want stuff to change but never really act like it. I just want what's best for the game. Even though it's not gonna be here forever, we had a good thing going.
Halloween hunt will be released regardless since they focus on major holidays so it won't be "an enticement"
'We all RP at one point', quicky? No. No we don't. OP I think the numbers of people who are rebelling and practicing what they preach are growing. I think the relationship button is dumb so I ignore it. I can tell on the first day of a hunt by doing some quick math if it's geared toward the whole community or the cat cafe-ers. If it's everyone I participate and have fun. If not I ignore it and basically take a week off. I don't buy cats because I don't care how fast I ug or if I ever become lcbc. My old 3 year account never made it past tier 4 bc. Except for speaking out in forums, the only way that players like me show conviction is to silently do nothing. Other players won't really know or hear about it, that doesn't make sense. Only ATA will hear us when they look at their bottom line. You have to judge for yourself whether they are hearing us or not. But when they add something crazy like this relationship thing in the hopes to generate more income, I think they are hearing us. They are just taking the game in a different direction than we'd hoped.
Shes a Dv and she hasnt been here as long us veteran plaayers has, she doesnt know how long ATA has used us to make $. I miss the game I loved 3years ago.
Only reason why I partake in cat cafe and the new relationship system is to try and keep up with the competition.
Notice how most people that complain are not commenting here. Halloween hunt will be announced and everyone will forget they were mad at the relationship button.
And I completely understand that ATA is a business but there have got to be better ways of making money. ? If ATA could maybe tell me where the hell my money is going (it's certainly not going towards adding improvements that I want) maybe I'd be more inclined to spend it.
Let's go protest in front of ATA's headquarters... (Warning: Really long rant follows??) But seriously, I do agree with op. I started in a club (The Kop...RIP?) learning how to farm and grow with my tutors. We ran maybe one party a day, but cc was moving 24/7, everyone knew each other, and made friends within our club, and our ally clubs. We went to wars and the small and big stat players worked together, and it was the most fun I ever had on this game. If I was a new player now, I wouldn't stay on this game. WC is a place I avoid as much as possible now, and there are very few clubs that take all kcs and actually train them. It got tiring working at a training club and having 90% of the players quit on you. ? It's not the same game that it used to be. I just stay for the friends that I've made. ATA probably watches our overall trends and adds features based on that. I also don't think most players regularly read the forums, and I doubt the devs have time to read everything on here. We still have the ability on here to do everything we used to do though. Features have just been added or changed (ex Battle button to People Button, still serves the same purpose) it's still all there. ?I need to stop, I could keep going. But cheers! Good job op! (End Rant, Sorry ?)