wats with the new app coming out

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *countrygirl17 (01), Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Lol that's crazy lol
  2. oh crap we better stop talking cuz that might make the admins upset! and u might get silenced! thatswhat this gameis coming to
  3. :roll:

    Garret, are you sure you're 17? Because you act like a pre-schooler. =_=
  4. Lol yo yo yo garret wassup 


  5. Hey Mitch long time no yalk
  6. Lol  where did garret go 
  7. Hes running from me :evil: 
  8. wooooooooooo!!!! im back yo wuddup mitch what i miss
  9. A curse off ...... NOT 
  10. Go on the news paper thread