wars are back !!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *llllIIIIIIlllllIIlllIIIIIlllIl (01), Aug 11, 2014.

  1. When is war date time etc ?
  2. small savage if u have nothing to contribute to plz leave my thread so spity is first participant who is next ?
  3. Hahaha scuds make low stat alts and make stupid threads
  4. you have not answered my question nor gave reasonable information to work with regarding the war
  5. Noob eat kick bubbles and blow rocks :) Im on the stupid side.
  7. guys there is no min stats its just for fun and as for date after i got participants ill post an update
  8. i gave info check man and @spitfire ur my idol man never leave my thread
  9. Stupid side. 
    Make it a Saturday war.
  10. hmm i may go on stupid side. Since i've lost half my brain cells during the duration of this thread ?
    When you make an update i'll decide wither its worth effort or not
  11. plz al participants leave a thread on my wall post which side ud like so that i can arrange a date
  12. Jk im not joinig ur shitty war noob alt
  13. Panda unfollwed me cuz I'm a noob. ,_,
    No support for you, Maria.
  14. I'm silenced, dumb ass. Wall me for a good time.
  15. so far i got two registered
    and small savage again plz leave my thread
  16. Justin and i ARE THE CHOSEN IDIOTS!
  17. Get the FBI on me noob