{War} Zombie Apocalypse!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mandi270, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Fuck that, I'll strip who I want 
  2. ? don't be an egg sucker! Join the survivors ?
  3. Dx my other acc is just around 120kcs and my other acc is currently locked out T^T I wanna join T^T I love zombies
  4. bump before bed 
  5. Which ever team wants me really
  6. ? i set zombie ca ? hope you survivors enjoy ed pin for lyfe when war starts ?
  8. I wanna war. Idc which side
  9. A lot more of you signed up then who's joined so far. Don't be a PPA fairy this weekend...


    War starts in about an hour!
  10. I'll be there on 8:30 
  11. Psst . Justin , what side you on?
  12. lmao srsly , 3 VS 14 :lol:
  13. Yeah. Looks like the zombies need help.

    Maybe if all the party fairies who said they wanted to war actually joined...CC and 2x PPA payout too good for you to pass up?
