[WAR] Tournaments Arise

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DUH-EnergizerBunny, Jul 27, 2015.

  1.  7mcs ... sign me up
  2. I would like to join just wall me when ready and I may ug I'm over 200kcs
  3. ?sign me up
  4. Put me in!?
  5. It will most likely all be 1PM EST.

    If you know other tz better:

    1PM EST
    12 PM CST
    10AM PST

    This will be updated on main page of thread.
  7. I sign up for it I'm t7 level 1lcbc
  8. war! sign me up please, Lcbc
  9. I can upgrade about 200kcs or stay these stats if need be. As for the dvp, gimme a day and we can do it ? I may be like 999B off but still ?
  10. Sign me up for this I'm ready!
  11. Pls lete join a team
  12. Count me in if there is space?
    And in a team with some experienced lcbc?
  13. Haha sounds good, we'll see which team wins.
  14. Will be participating.
  15. Count me in (bc stats)