[WAR] Tournament Roster Fall 2015 Vol. 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DUH-EnergizerBunny, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Lcbc sign me up
  2. War Sign up has been closed.
    We have overflowing amount of applicants. Due to some people pulling out this morning, I have to rearrange some things around. At this point, if we have an exact even, we may be building this up. This means it may no longer be a 10 v 10 for this volume if we have enough LCBC who signed up to war. Smaller ones take priority as we want the smaller "generation" to learn as well. We will keep you posted. Again, sorry for the delays. More than 100 people signed up, so let's see if we can open this up!
  3. The more the merrier!
  4. Wow more than 100? Woah